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Paperless Payroll Information

San Diego County Office of Education will be charging school districts for generating a paycheck. In order to avoid this excess cost, and to save paper and time, employees are encouraged to participate in direct deposit and view pay stubs online.

PeopleSoft Payroll


Paystub Online – < >

After Jan.1, 2016 you can view your EUHSD paystub using the new online system from the San Diego County Office of Education. View your NET PAY and click the “View Paycheck” link to get a detailed view of your paycheck.

Using PeopleSoft Employee Self Service – These directions explain how to use the new PeopleSoft Employee Self-Service (ESS) website to view your paycheck. IMPORTANT: Remember to setup “I Forgot My Password” so that in the future you can reset your password – this will save you time and trouble in the event that you forget your password. This job aid explains how to read your paycheck, update personal information, add direct deposit information, and update tax withholding status.

2024-25 Payroll Calendar Dates

Payroll is issued on the last working day of the month. You can view all pay dates below. Direct Deposit will be automatically routed to your account on payday. If you choose to have a physical paycheck, you must pick up your paycheck at the front desk at the DSC on payday. All checks not picked up at the end of the day will be mailed to the address on file.

Employee Self-Service Direct Deposit

You are able to update your Direct Deposit within PeopleSoft. SDCOE has provided a job aid below that walks you through the necessary steps.

Frontline Frequently Asked Questions

Frontline is used to track absence balances beginning July 1, 2023. For a full list of Frequently Asked Questions, please download the job aid below.

Legacy Payroll – Through December 2015

To view your EUHSD paystubs issued prior to and including December 2015 email [email protected] for assistance.