About Us
District Overview
Welcome to the Escondido Union High School District. Nearly 7,000 students attend classes at EUHSD. Another 2,000 individuals are enrolled throughout the year in Adult Education classes.
The district supports five high schools including: Escondido, Orange Glen, and San Pasqual, Del Lago Academy and Valley; as well as the Escondido Adult School. You can learn more about each campus in the Schools section of our website.
A wide range of college preparatory, vocational and special education courses are offered by EUHSD. These courses prepare today’s students to attend the nation’s universities and community colleges, or to enter the workforce immediately after graduation.
Graduation is authorized by the EUHSD Board of Education. A diploma is granted to all students who have earned a minimum of 230 semester units of credit from the adopted course of study during grades 9–12, and have passed the California High School Exit Exam. We encourage you to view our Graduation Requirements page to learn more.
Annual Report
Every year, EUHSD publishes an annual report containing a summary of our district goals, as well as many facts and statistics. We invite you to download and enjoy the current Annual Report.
Current District Curriculum
View the latest curriculum for all EUHSD course offerings in our 2024-25 Course Catalog.