Business Services - Risk Management and Safety » Insurance Programs

Insurance Programs


Escondido Union High School District (EUHSD) requires all organizations, businesses and independent contractors to hold current and Valid Insurance  prior to engaging in activities or services on District property. In addition, all insurance must list the District as additionally insured through a separate endorsement. *

Persons or companies contracted to provide services  to EUHSD shall maintain adequate insurance to protect him/herself and the District from claims for damages or personal injury, including death, damage to property and loss of property, and from claims under Workers’ Compensation Acts, which may arise from operations under a contract with the District. Failure to provide adequate insurance may result in the contract for services being cancelled.
When utilizing one of the District’s facilities, a Certificate of Liability Insurance and a separate attached endorsement (with EUHSD requirements met), must be submitted within the Facilitron platform, when placing the Facility Use reservation. Failure to provide adequate insurance will result in the request being declined and will not be reinstated. If your organization or group does not carry general liability insurance, you do have the option of purchasing day insurance via GatherGuard–Event Insurance or directly through Facilitron.

Please note: The District Office will not accept calls from insurance agents on behalf of the organization or business. Inadequate certificates will be returned to the “insured” on the certificate with specific instructions regarding what is incorrect and/or inadequate with the certificate and/or endorsement. It is the responsibility of the organization to update their insurance if the organizations insurance expires during their contract or approved/activated requests.

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*An Endorsement to an Insurance Certificate is a separate piece of paper that is attached to the insurance certificate. It preferably should reference the specific Policy Number that ties back to the Policy Number listed on the Insurance Certificate, and it should list Escondido Union High School District as Additional Insured. As an alternate, if the Policy includes Blanket Additional Insured Coverage, please so state/reference on the Certificate and attach a copy of that portion of the Policy addressing that coverage and also reference the Policy Number on that copy.