Educational Services - Student Services and Programs » English Learners Services

English Learners Services


EUHSD welcomes newcomer students and their families. We value the unique experiences, cultures, and expertise that our English Learners add to our schools. Our district is committed to providing the language and social/emotional supports needed for our English learners to become fluent English speakers and ready for 21st century college and careers.


Our teachers and staff care deeply about our students and collaborate across content areas to ensure that our English learners feel safe, supported, and are making appropriate academic progress. EUHSD staff pride ourselves in being lifelong learners and are committed to providing all students with rigorous, engaging, standards-based instruction.


The programs and services offered for our newcomer English Learners include the following:

For Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE):


Language and Culture Elective:

This Language and Culture elective pilot class provides SIFE students an extra level of support in their transition to US schools. It is specifically designed for students who need targeted support on formal education structures and systems in US schools. The class provides tools and skills for support in assimilation to US culture.


ELD Math Literacy Elective:

This ELD Math Literacy pilot elective is specifically designed for SIFE English Learner students who are significantly below grade level due to gaps in formal schooling. Fundamental numeracy skills are taught in tandem with the academic content and language taught in Math 1 Sheltered. The goal of this class is to preview and learn the concepts they will learn in Math 1 Sheltered.


For ELD I, II, and III Students:


Math I and Math II Sheltered Collab

This course is co-taught with a math and English language development teacher who provides the language supports for students to access the content in the course. The model is one where these two teachers plan together and are equal partners to the teaching and student learning.


English Learners Cluster in the Core

These are regular core content courses in Social Science, Science and in some cases, Health. Small teachable clusters (8-10 students) of newcomer English Learners are placed into these courses alongside with English speaking peers. These courses have a Bilingual Instructional Assistant. Teachers with shared newcomer English Learners should have common targets for language development that can be reinforced throughout the curriculum.


Designated English Development

ELD I, II, and III offer intensive support with language development for newcomer English Learners. These courses is aligned to the California State English Language Development Standards.